
Free Books Available!

Stop by the Library Lobby throughout the day for free reading materials! Please note that free books are available first come, first pick basis.

E-Waste Recycling Bin

Do your part in protecting the environment and bring your e-waste on ACD. Properly dispose of unwanted electronic equipment, devices and accessories in our E-Waste Recycling Bin in the J Building Lobby throughout the day.

West Campus

  • Breakfast/Check-In

    -  West Campus Library Lobby/J105

    Receive breakfast in the Library Lobby. Seating for breakfast will be located in J105.

West Campus

  • Opening Remarks

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

    Join us as we kick-off All College Day in the Performing Arts Center with opening remarks from the All College Day Committee Co-Chairs and PHSC President Jesse Pisors, Ed.D.

West Campus

  • Keynote Speakers – Gino Collura, Ph.D., State Representative Danny Alvarez and State Senator Jay Collins

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

    This year's keynote speakers are Gino Collura, Ph.D., District Board of Trustee member, State Representative Danny Alvarez and State Senator Jay Collins.

West Campus

  • Breakout Session 1 - Predicting Total Solar Eclipses and the Scientific Method

    -  West Campus M330

    This workshop will be presented by Gregory Woodard.

    • Location: M330 
    • Description: Discover how the occurrence of one of the greatest spectacles in nature, a total solar eclipse, can be used to illustrate the scientific method to students.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Navigating the Advising Journey

    -  West Campus G112

    This workshop will be presented by Arlene York and Casey Young.

    • Location: G112
    • Description: Join us for an engaging and interactive workshop. "Navigating the Advising Journey" is designed to provide participants with the role of an academic advisor in student success. This session will introduce the Appreciative Advising model, providing practical tools and strategies used when advising students.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Let's Connect Through Latin Dancing

    -  West Campus G109/G110

    This workshop will be presented by Luz-ayde Himelhock.

    • Location: G109/G110
    • Description: Connect with your fellow colleagues while learning how to dance salsa, merengue and bachata. Dancing is fun, engaging, encourages everyone to move and it's a great way to connect with others.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Faculty Publishing via FLVC's Pressbooks and LibreVerse OER Platforms

    -  West Campus S210

    This workshop will be presented by Ingrid Purrenhageand Breanna Perry.

    • Location: S210
    • Description: This session will provide an overview of an upcoming opportunity for faculty to create OER material that would be published on statewide platforms for potential use across Florida and beyond.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Utilizing the Anatomage Table for Biological and Medical-Based Courses

    -  West Campus Academic Success Center

    This workshop will be presented by Christopher Grissett.

    • Location: Academic Success Center
    • Description: Workshop attendees will receive a hands-on demonstration of the Anatomage Table, available at each campus. The session will also cover basic operations to facilitate active, engaged learning in biological or medical-based courses.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Professional Development at PHSC

    -  West Campus S208

    This workshop will be presented by Luther T. Buie.

    • Location: S208
    • Description: Explore the latest professional development opportunities being developed and introduced at the College. Gain insights into Vector Solutions, Canvas Credentials and the expected professional development pathways. Additionally, participants will have a chance to generate ideas for enhancing employee engagement at the College.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Teaching Online and RSI

    -  West Campus M334

    This workshop will be presented by Kayla Kuni and Adriana Bridger.

    • Location: M334
    • Description: This workshop is partially inspired by the books Small Teaching Online by Flower Darby and High-Impact Design for Online Courses by Bethany Simunich, Andrea Gregg, and Penny Ralston-Berg. The presentation will focus on the main takeaways and best practices related to teaching online as well as course design for online classes. The session will also cover how regular substantive interaction (RSI) can be integrated into online courses.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Faculty Union Update

    -  West Campus S209

    This workshop will be presented by Jonathan Tietz.

    • Location: S209
    • Description: Learn about our faculty union, United Faculty of Florida (UFF).  Union leaders and staff will provide information about our union and the upcoming recertification election. Our chapter executive council, local UFF staffer and UFF Executive Director from Tallahassee will attend to answer any questions.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Making a Permaculture Connection with Your Food

    -  West Campus S207

    This workshop will be presented by Holly Sigismondi.

    • Location: S207 
    • Description: Learn how permaculture can nourish both you and the planet. This session will cover how you can easily incorporate it into your lifestyle, giving you a deeper connection to your food.
  • Breakout Session 1 - The Art of Communication: Building a Perfect PB&J

    -  West Campus G209

    This workshop will be presented by Maria Boone.

    • Location: G209
    • Description: The goal of this exercise is to promote clear communication, teamwork and problem-solving.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Crafting to Connect

    -  West Campus G104

    This workshop will be presented by Cathy Hickey.

    • Location: G104
    • Description: Crafting within a group can foster social connection, reduce isolation and provide a shared activity to learn new skills together, boost creativity, and offer a low-pressure environment. It can also improve mood and reduce stress levels for individuals within a group.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Avoiding Workplace Burnout

    -  West Campus G210

    This workshop will be presented by Eddie Williams.

    • Location: G210
    • Description: Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. Some individuals experience nightmares, feeling burdened and spiritual depletion characterized by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. In addition, psychological burnout can cause poor work performance.  Learn how to take care of personal wellness to be an effective employee or supervisor. Also, learn how to avoid fatigue, as well as stress and burnout.
  • Breakout Session 1 - Oral Systemic Connection and The Role of Interprofessional Education

    -  West Campus G204

    This workshop will be presented by Anjum Shah and Brianne Neville.

    • Location: G204
    • Description: Systemic diseases and medications impact the oral cavity. The oral-systemic connection is the idea that oral health can affect overall health. Numerous studies demonstrate oral-systemic links, proving that poor oral health can lead to systemic consequences, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, cancer, etc. This presentation will focus on how health programs, through the implementation of interprofessional education at PHSC, can help reduce the impacts of oral system connections.

West Campus

  • Faculty Robing/Break

    -  West Campus Academic Success Center (ASC)

West Campus

  • Investiture Ceremony of Jesse Pisors, Ed.D.

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

    All are welcome to attend the Investiture Ceremony of Jesse Pisors, Ed.D. The ceremony will be held in the Performing Arts Center.

West Campus

  • Donate Blood

    -  West Campus Parking Lot Between Buildings R and S

    Fact: Only 3% of those who are eligible actually donate blood. Here’s your opportunity to participate in this life-saving opportunity.

West Campus

  • Lunch and Awards

    -  West Campus Gymnasium

    Join us for the Bobcat Barbecue lunch in the Gymnasium. The following awards will be presented:

    • KMJ award
    • AFC Career and Professional Employee of the Year
    • PHSC AFC Outstanding Leadership Award

West Campus

  • Festival in Quad, Coffee and Connections, Games and Activities and Petting Zoo

    -  West Campus Quad

    Join us for the following activities in the Quad:

    • Festival in the Quad, including various games and activities
    • Coffee and Connections featuring iced coffee
    • Caring Campus table
    • Petting Zoo

West Campus

  • Breakout Session 2 - An Unvarnished Conversation about the Realities of Student Writing: Issues and Solutions

    -  West Campus M334

    This workshop will be presented by Gina Rucavado

    • Location: M334
    • Description: In this workshop, we'll discuss the major concerns and problems with student writing in 2024, and we'll share practical solutions. How has student writing changed since COVID? How has AI affected the integrity of our assessment process? How can we provide meaningful and constructive help to students whose writing is unclear or chaotic? How can we address writer's block and writing anxiety in general?
  • Breakout Session 2 - What Colleges Can Do Now About What’s Coming “Next”: A Framing Conversation

    -  West Campus G104

    This workshop will be presented by Tony Carvajal, CEO/Executive Director Association of Florida Colleges.

    • Location: G104
    • Description: Join us for dialogue on social, technological and demographic trends impacting colleges. This session can help us focus on what the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC) can do to prepare for the future of learning and leading in Florida.
  • Breakout Session 2 - Understanding Credit: Many Want It, But How Do You Get It?

    -  West Campus G204

    This workshop will be presented by Noelle Rodriguez, Suncoast Credit Union.

    • Location: G204
    • Description: This session covers all aspects of becoming an educated credit consumer, including how lenders evaluate for credit approval, factors that impact credit qualification, how credit scoring works and ways money management today impacts credit standing tomorrow.
  • Breakout Session 2 - Optimizing Staff Synergy through Communication, Collaboration and Cohesion

    -  West Campus G210

    This workshop will be presented by Gino Collura, Ph.D., Board Member, PHSC District Board of Trustees,  State Representative Danny Alvarez and State Senator Jay Collins.

    • Location: G210
    • Description: This session will delve into the human behavior principles that drive effective communication, collaboration and cohesion between and amongst faculty and staff. Participants will explore how interpersonal dynamics, emotional intelligence and behavioral psychology impact team performance and institutional culture. Through interactive discussions and case studies, attendees will gain insights into fostering trust, resolving conflicts, and building stronger, more cohesive teams. The session will offer practical tools to improve daily interactions, streamline collaboration and create a unified, supportive environment that enhances both personal satisfaction and institutional success. 
  • Breakout Session 2 - From Trees to Tables — My Journey in Woodworking

    -  West Campus G102

    This workshop will be presented by Jason Wetherington.

    • Location: G102
    • Description: Learn about the journeys and adventures this North Campus Math Professor has had over the last few years. Woodworking, chainsaws and recycling — what could be better?
  • Breakout Session 2 - OER and Copyright: Tips and Tricks for Faculty Adding OER to Their Canvas Courses

    -  West Campus S208

    This workshop will be presented by Ingrid Purrenhage and Karen Swetland.

    • Location: S208
    • Description: This session will provide guidance on what to look for when selecting and adding OER or Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) materials to Canvas to avoid copyright or licensing violations.
  • Breakout Session 2 - Fire Extinguisher Safety and Training

    -  West Campus S209

    This workshop will be presented by David Mccain.

    • Location: S209
    • Description: This session will provide general information on the types of fires and how to identify the proper extinguisher. The workshop will include a classroom portion followed by practical use of a fire extinguisher.
  • Breakout Session 2 - Civility

    -  West Campus S207

    This workshop will be presented by Rick Kay.

    • Location: S207
    • Description: This workshop will focus on how civility is the language of connections with others and how our behavior impacts others.


  • Breakout Session 2 - Sustainability Q&A with AI: Bring your Qs

    -  West Campus G209

    This workshop will be presented by Amy Anderson, Dave Mayler and Ann Coppola.

    • Location: G209
    • Description: Let’s see how AI answers our questions about becoming more sustainable at home and at work. Are you curious about how artificial intelligence can help you lead a more sustainable life both at work and home? Join us for an engaging and informative session where we explore the intersection of AI and sustainability.
  • Breakout Session 2 - Professional Development and You - A Q&A Session

    -  West Campus M329

    This workshop will be presented by David Sullivan Ph.D., NRP.

    • Location: M329
    • Description: To thrive as a faculty or staff member in an educational institution, we must have the resources to cultivate and enrich our professional development.  What are those resources and how can we use them to build a foundation to enrich our professional and personal growth? Let's meet and have a "Q&A" session.
  • Breakout Session 2 - Get Active - Basic Self-Defense

    -  West Campus G-109/110

    This workshop will be presented by Jim Rivera, Hanshi and Owner of Owaza Rye Ju-Jitsu/Judo in Spring Hill.

    • Location: G109/110
    • Description: In this supportive and empowering workshop, we'll introduce a wide range of physical, verbal and emotional skills that can help you recognize and thwart perpetrator tactics, reduce your risk of assault and feel more comfortable in your daily interactions.

West Campus

  • HR Anniversary Awards

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

    Luther Buie, Director of Employee Engagement and Talent Development, will present the HR Anniversary Awards in the Performing Arts Center.

West Campus

  • President Pisors Presents Core Value Awards

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

    President Pisors will present the Core Value Awards. There will be one award recipient for each of the following Core Values:

    • Excellence
    • Integrity
    • Success
    • Welcoming
    • Community

West Campus

  • Acknowledgements/Closing Remarks

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

West Campus

  • The Great Big Basket Giveaway

    -  West Campus Performing Arts Center (PAC)

    Ann Coppola, Associate Director of Libraries at Porter Campus, will present the Great Big Basket Giveaway winners!