There is a texting scam currently going on around the world aimed at students, colleges and related institutions. If you receive a text or email that is suspicious and is asking you to do something, for example related to paying a bill or fee, then please know that it may be a scam called a “smish” for fake SMS texting phishing or could be fake phishing email as well. Disregard the fake text and do not reply.
An example text scam:
I hope your semester is going well. I ran a list on Friday and as of right now you owe a balance for this semester. We will start cancelling students who have balances starting next week. If you are getting this text, it means you are on my cancellation list. If you believe this is incorrect, or if you have some other means that will be paying your balance, please respond to this text. The only way I can make sure you aren't cancelled is if you respond and explain the situation or the balance is paid. I am here to help you. So let me know the situation.
Steve Woodburn
Chief Student Affairs Officer
For more information on smishing, phishing and social engineering nationally, visit:
Please contact the PHSC IT Helpdesk with any additional questions.