Open Door Grant Program
The Florida Department of Education awarded Pasco-Hernando State College $675,187 in funding through the Open Door Grant Program (Open Door) which will run through June 30, 2025.
What is the Open Door Grant?
The Open Door grant supports students completing short-term and technical education credentialing courses. The program's goal for students is to successfully obtain a workforce certificate in high-demand fields. The Open Door grant addresses and closes the gap between the skills needed by workers in the state and the skills of the available workforce in the state.
Other Funding Options
Our community partners, CareerSource Pasco-Hernando may have funds available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for qualified students. For more information, visit the CareerSource website.
Direct your questions, concerns or requests for more information to the PHSC Workforce Development Office at
Apply for the Open Door Grant by completing the PHSC Open Door Grant Application Form: